I discovered that I'm radically optimistic.

I used to be cynical about things. It wasn't unusual for me tell people that everything is crap.

It still rings true to me—the difference is that these days I've found a way to unify this with an optimistic outlook.

Optimism is the ultimate form of ownership.

This world is mine. I belong in it. I can try to manipulate it. I can choose how to react to it.

To be cynical is to give up ownership. To be cynical is to look at this weird, intricate and wondrous existential machine and throw your hands up and say it makes no sense and walk away (what a loser). Cynicism is the rejection of curiosity. I was once cynical because of the various systemic structures that made me so.

I have since taken ownership of my existence and decided that I'm done with cynicism.

Everything is crap, but many important things are not—the sun rises everyday and still looks beautiful. I used to be cynical once, but now I'm radically optimistic and it's not even unreasonable. I could poke at this existential machine for eternity and it will always throw me surprises.