Just the right amount of unpleasant

There's a pattern of things I predictably like—which I shall now call “just the right amount of unpleasant”. Some examples to follow.

Food and Beverage




Possible explanation

I don't think I am unique here, even if my tolerance for the unpleasant in my pleasant is higher (or lower) than other people. But pleasantness cannot exist without some unpleasantness to ground it. Otherwise, we'd fall into a trap somewhat similar to that of a hedonic treadmill. Anything that is pleasant or privileged, ceases to be so in the absence of something unpleasant.


This is a small subset of things I like. I like pleasant things also. I also dislike unpleasant things, rotten food, plain bitterness, construction noises etc. Just wanted to note the interesting pattern where a slight amount of unpleasantness can elevate the overall pleasantness of many things.